Disney World in Orlando Florida shot by Aanjhan Ranganathan. Source: Flickr |
My all-time favorite place is Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I had gone twice in my life before college and thought it was cool, but I did not fall in love with Disney until I actually went my junior year of college. I decided to visit a friend who was interning there and getting to see all of the backstage hidden secrets was so cool! I got to meet the princesses who she knew personally and many of the rides we got to skip the lines. It was so much fun we actually decided to go again last semester, not even a year apart. We explored the Disney Food and Wine Festival where we got to taste many dishes and drinks from all around the world. I cannot wait to go back and experience everything else Disney has to offer as every time I go I discover something new!
I have never been to Disney World myself, but it certainly sounds like the way to visit the famous park is the way you did it. Seeing all of the behind the scenes interactions and skipping the lines? VIP experience is what it sounds like to me and I can certainly see why you fell in love with the park and decided to go back so soon.