Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feedback Focus

Books Source
Strategy One: 
Reading Out Loud
I really enjoyed this story as a whole as I had always kinda wondering where the root of the dogs and cats hatred came from.  While I know that is not exactly the most reliable source as to their hatred, it is fun all the same! This technique was a little more difficult for me than expected as I am so used to skimming over the words quite quickly and filling in any words I may have missed. This technique forced me to slow down and read every single word!
I don't think that this is possible in every situation as reading out loud can be frustrating for others, but it is a great technique in terms of keeping the focus!

Strategy Two: Copy-and-Delete
This strategy was actually more fun than time consuming as I previously had thought! I had never thought about doing this as a way to take notes, but it makes so much logical sense! It gave me a general summary of Buchettino by the time I was finished with it I could easily read my notes to someone and they would understand the story! Side note: this story made me so sad as I was confused as to what the ogre was doing myself with the figs and I too would have fallen for his tricks! I found this one more useful than the previous strategy as I not only took my time to read it but also had notes at the end of it to look back on!

Strategy Three: Use a Timer
I chose to read the zoology 1114 as I took that class myself as a Freshman an remember it vividly. It was by far my hardest class and I remember feeling so stressed about it during finals week. Little did I know that would end up being an easier class in all of my time at OU. I enjoyed her writing style as I find myself writing the same way and really find myself loving it! In terms of this technique I did not find myself liking the timer as I kept looking back at it to see how much time I had left and felt rushed even though I had plenty of time, I just felt pressure from it!

Overall I liked the Copy-and-Delete method the best and I imagine myself using it often!

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