Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week 4 Story Planning: Fish Out of Water

 This story is out of Fourty-Four Turkish Fairy Tales By Ignacz Kunos

This story is basically a magic fish and yet a love story at the same time!
Beautiful Fish-Woman Source

-So a man's parents died and they kept hidden his fathers occupation of a fisherman
---Why was it kept hidden? Could make it to be a family secret or something?
-He found his fathers fishing net and decided to use it, as he was poor.
---Where did he find it? Maybe he went to an old storage unit for his family and ound it?
-He caught a fish so beautiful he couldn't bare to eat or sell it and it cleaned his house when he was away
-He secretly watched and found out that it was a secret maiden and threw the shedded fish skin in the fire
-News of her beauty spread and the king demanded to see her...cinderella-esque!
----Could tell it from the maiden’s point of view and tell of how she was originally turned into a fish…Like Beauty and the Beast except for she is the Beast?! This could be fun to expand on as if she was turned into a fish because she looked down upon fisherman
----The story could take place before she was caught and it could be more like oh shoot I’m caught, but at the same time she is just grateful to be out of the water and back into the human world so she thanks him by cleaning his house as she can only turn human for a few hours? Although this kinda reminds me of Shrek and Fiona!
- The king wanted her to be his wife and struck up a deal with the man, if he could build a palace with jewels and gold in 40 days he could have her back... I would end the story here on a cliffhanger possibly
----The story ends with………I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, but you don’t know which on she ended up marrying would be fun!! Although everyone would hate me...


  1. I think it would be really interesting if you came up with an elaborate family secret as to why they kept the father's occupation a secret. I think you could really do a lot of fun things with this story. It would be cool for you to give some background into why she was turned into a fish in the first place. You have a lot of really great ideas. I will definitely check your blog next week to see the finished product!

  2. I read this story in the Turkish Fairy Tales by Ignacz Kunos as well! I found his stories to be a fun read with many good ideas. I think you are on the right track to writing a really great story. I think it would be very interesting to tell the story from the fish/maiden's point of view like you had mentioned. How does she feel about the whole situation? Maybe she could tell her life of what it was like to be a fish and what the difference is. I wonder if she planned to be caught by this specific family.
